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Kate Says: "Reading Is Fun!"

Like most of you I'm an avid reader. I'm hoping to re-connect with old friends, make new friends, and of course spread the love of reading and writing around to everyone!

Currently reading

Amy Falls Down: A Novel
Jincy Willett
The Van Gogh Blues: The Creative Person's Path Through Depression
Eric Maisel Phd
Yes Please
Amy Poehler

The Mermaid Chair

The Mermaid Chair - Sue Monk Kidd Not as good as The Secret Life of Bees, which I read first and throughly enjoyed.

It's a good romantic, spiritual journey kind of story, but didn't move me in the same way her first book did.

As I'm writing this, I'm not sure if I should be comparing these two stories together, since they are very different, but I'll leave that for others to discuss.